Unintentional Confidence Killers: Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes?

Did you know that your nonverbal cues can convey more information than words alone?  Here’s how to quit unintentionally sending out indications of insecurity and increase your self-assurance!

The Eye Contact Dilemma

Eyes have great power. While making direct, sincere eye contact fosters connection, avoiding it communicates “I’m unsure”. Work on it in front of the mirror! Warmth and reliability are communicated through soft smiles.

The syndrome of slumping shoulders

Take a stance! Slouching diminishes your sense of power in addition to making you appear sloppy. Throughout the day, quickly check your posture: back straight, shoulders open. You’ll feel better mentally as well.

The Silent Battle

Speaking loudly and conveys assurance. Rushing or mumbling could be signs of low self-esteem. Practice speaking more slowly and loudly. It seems strange at first, but it gets easier—we assure you!

Unintentional Confidence Killers: Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes?

Arms, Akimbo!

A traditional defensive stance that conveys hesitancy or discomfort is crossed arms. Uncross your arms, let your shoulders down, and lightly highlight important points using hand motions.

Laugh: Your Unexpected Power

Never undervalue a sincere smile! It disarms, displays warmth, and creates an environment conducive to constructive communication. Even when you’re stressed, smile since it makes your brain feel better as well!

Crack-A-Lackin’ Knuckles

This is unhealthy in addition to being unpleasant! Look for less harmful ways to relieve tension; deep breathing, brisk walks, or hand stretches are much healthier options that require more self-control.

Perspiring Conditions

While little perspiration is acceptable, excessive perspiration indicates elevated worry. Wearing antiperspirant and practicing relaxation techniques can also be beneficial.  It takes confidence to handle this.


Leg bouncing and finger tapping are examples of stress signals that other people may pick up on.  Focusing on a soothing object or practicing mindful breathing might help you stay centered and not appear stressed.

The Positive Update…

These habits ARE correctable! It requires awareness and the replacement of outdated behavior with more self-assured acts. Go ahead and visualize yourself entering a room with strength and confidence. Then, work on making it your reality!

Unintentional Confidence Killers: Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes?

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