Online Dating Red Flags: 7 Signs to Watch Out For

Online Dating Red Flags: 7 Signs to Watch Out For

Online dating has its great moments! It facilitates making new friends, finding love, or simply just having enjoyable conversations.  It’s not flawless, though, and occasionally those adorable profiles conceal less-than-admirable motives. Let’s discuss about “red flags”—those indicators that something is wrong—to prevent embarrassment (or worse!).

1. Dubious (or phony) profiles

No profile picture? A bio that contains more questions than answers?  It could indicate that someone is catfishing—posing as someone they’re not—or is hiding something.  Before devoting too much time and effort, use caution.

2. Obtrusive Queries

On a first date, asking “How much do you make?” is a firm no.  While getting to know someone is undoubtedly a component of dating, asking intrusive or excessively intimate questions right away is rude.  It’s acceptable to change the topic or, if they persist, to end the conversation.

3. Whoa, I Just Sent You?

Private, unsolicited images = cyberflashing. It is mistreatment. Don’t interact with them further; report them to the app and block them. You are worthy of better.

4. “Can I Borrow Some Cash?”

Massive warning sign! It’s never a good idea to provide money to someone you hardly know, whether they’re a fraudster or just extremely careless.  Don’t divulge your financial information and be evasive (“Sorry, I’m not really lending money right now…”).

Online Dating Red Flags: 7 Signs to Watch Out For

5. Love bombing on Instagram

While it’s nice when someone shows interest in you, excessive control, demands for an immediate meeting, or vows of love made after just one week are warning flags of trouble.  Admit when you need some space. If they retaliate, their actual nature will become apparent.

6. The Former Records

It’s customary to discuss former relationships—up to a point. But it’s unhealthy if they compare you to former partners or bring up past grudges all the time. Here, open communication is essential; let them know you find it bothersome. It’s not the ex’s fault if they can’t adapt—it’s just that they’re not prepared for anything different.

7. In real life, ghosting

It’s acceptable if someone needs some time to get together in person. However, if, after establishing a rapport, they continue with their justifications, something is probably wrong. Express your need for a face-to-face meeting clearly, and if a video call helps to break the ice, do it. You should spend your time elsewhere if they’re still sketchy.

Online Dating Red Flags: 7 Signs to Watch Out For

Embrace Your Gut Feelings!

Although there is a lot of promise in online dating, always trust your instincts. Are you uncomfortable? Bewildered? These are good reasons to back off, regardless of how “perfect” the other person appears on TV. Recall that a good spouse puts your comfort and respect first.

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